Thursday, March 8, 2012

Smartboards in the Classroom

Interactive whiteboards are awesome learning tools. They allow for so many different possibilities in the classroom. It is nice to do demonstrations right in front of the children instead of making them get up and stand around a little table. The technology is very easy to use. The pros of the Smartboards in the class, are that they can grab the attention of the students very easily. They are much more entertaining than just looking at a normal whiteboard. The cons of installing them into the classroom are that I would have to worry about it getting damaged or it could malfunction and ruin the entire lesson plan I had for the day. If I were using this for past lesson plans, I would probably have to change my lessons to fit around it more. One lesson focused on drawing faces and I could see using the magic pen tool to zoom in on important parts of the face and demonstrate the process better. Overall, I love the smartboard and I look forward to using it while I am teaching.

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